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Same Guy. New Name

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Allstate Roofing Experts


1 comment:

  1. All the roofing material Manufacturer’s claim to hand pick certain roofing companies as certified or Master Elite. Basically, the Roofing company pays for this certification from the manufacturer. Its about money. The roofing companies, use subcontractors. and can get certified with good subs, then they dump the good crews because they cost more and slap on roofs cheaply with lower quality sub crews that are cheaper, and still be Master elite. It cost thousands of dollars to be Master Elite contractors. As you can see from every roofing manufacture’s website. The have a contractor Zones or Areas that you cannot access unless you have paid your dues. In return for $$$ The roofing manufacturers give brochures and samples and flyers and other types of other stuff help impress customers into thinking the Manufacturer's recommends this roofer because the are better or proven to be better than other Rooofers,They also list these contractors on their webpage.saying these are the good roofing companies. Our crews, are the Crews that have gotten Roofing companies Master Ellite status. We took the classes and have the certificates showing we know how to choose the right roofing systems and passed the tests to be called Master Elite for our previous employer. We choose not to pay the Godfather like fees and pass the savings on to you and we are not tied to one roofing manufacturer. One Key is to ask a Roofing company how many warranty claims they had in the last year and ask for a record of this. Most roofing companies hide there costs there profit margins. You can always ask to see the material invoice. from us and we will show you. see if the other roofing companies will. I doubt it seriously. Just some insights. and my opinions based on my experiences. This does not apply to every roofing company. Some are certified or master ellite and live up to the the standards. Others I know, do not.
