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Friday, October 21, 2011

Allstate’s Foam Roofing

Foam Roofing
two liquid componentsA quality, economical solution to your roofing needs. Sprayed polyurethane foam (SPF) roofing systems are a popular choice among owners of both new and existing flat-roofed buildings. The system provides a durable, waterproof covering which bonds tightly to nearly any properly prepared surface. The foam is professionally applied with a spray gun that mixes two liquid components to form a rigid polyurethane foam (PUF). It's so lightweight with about eight ounces per square foot that it can be applied over most existing roof systems without exceeding the structural load capacity. Yet it's amazingly strong, easily withstanding foot traffic and other weight requirements.
Sprayed polyurethane foam (SPF) roofs exhibit advantages over built-up roofing (BUR) and EPDM rubber roofing:
SPF roofs are totally seamless.1. Seams are one of the major sources of leaks in roof systems and SPF roofs are totally seamless.
2. Water does not travel laterally in SPF roofs as it can in BUR or single-ply roofs. A leak in the top membrane of a BUR or single-ply roof will create the spreading of water, saturating the insulation and causing multiple interior leaks. With SPF, even if a hole is punched through the entire two-inch membrane, water movement will be restricted to the hole. In most cases repairs can be made with a tube of caulk.
3. Because the SPF roof is lightweight, permeable and fully adhered, normally an old roof does not need to be removed in order to apply a new one. If underlying areas of saturated insulation are found, minimal tear-off may be required.
4. The SPF roofing is less disruptive since tear-off is minimal. Also, projects are accomplished faster because the application is quieter, quicker and requires far fewer laborers.
5. Roof mounted units, penetrations, curbs, and parapets can receive a seamless monolithic application because SPF is spray applied. BUR and single-ply roofs require flashing materials with sealants, which frequently result in leaks.
Save Time and Money
Save Time and MoneyThe only roofing system that keeps saving you money, providing a return on your investment (ROI). For most installations, the old roof stays on, saving you $.25 to $.65/sq. ft. in tear-off costs and speeding up the installation time, causing less disruption at your work site. The economical installation is only the start of the money you can save. The insulating foam keeps heat from penetrating in the summer or escaping in the winter, permanently lowering heating and air conditioning costs for most owners. The seamless system reduces the need for repairs, but if mechanical damage to the membrane does occur, it usually can be repaired with only a caulk gun and sealant. And unlike some systems, foam roofing recoats with ease, extending the life of the roof.
Cost savings can be even more substantial on new buildings because PUF's lightweight and superior insulating qualities can reduce costly structural requirements, as well as operational requirements of cooling and heating equipment.
Virtually Leakproof
Virtually leakproof systemEliminates the problem areas where most leaks start. A typical single-ply roofing system has thousands of linear feet of seams and hundreds of mechanical fasteners - all prime candidates for future leaks. Foam roofing systems are seamless and use no mechanical fasteners, eliminating those problem areas from the start. To further discourage leaks, a subtle slope can be easily built into your foam system to prevent ponding. In addition, SPF's closed-cell structure prevents horizontal movement of water so should you get a leak, it is contained to one area making it easy to find and repair.
Foam roofing also offers the advantage of being self-flashing; during installation, the foam flows around all protrusions, such as roof vents and cooling units, forming a tight bond that seals off places leaks can start. Because of these same qualities, future roof modifications can be easily accommodated. The foam is easy to cut and replace when vent stacks or other roof penetrations need to be moved to suit new operational needs.
Energy Efficient
high-grade insulationMore thermal resistance than any other insulating material. As the cost of heating and cooling buildings keeps climbing, many owners choose foam roofing for its outstanding insulating properties. Unlike other roof systems, the entire thickness of a foam roof is high-grade insulation. SPF's closed-cell structure stops air infiltration, the chief culprit of most energy losses. A one-inch thickness has an insulating R-value of 7.14, higher than any other insulating material. In addition, when you install SPF over an existing roof, you retain that R-value, as well as add to it.
Most building owners experience substantial energy savings with a foam roofing system from Allstate Roofing 
Satisfaction Guaranteed
At Preferred Roofing we stand behind our roofing systems. We're so confident in our foam coatings, we offer three optional warranties:
  • 10-year, 12-year, and 15-year materials warranty
  • 10-year, 12-year, and 15-year joint warranty
Satisfaction guaranteed is our motto. It's this confidence in our products and our commitment to customer service that have made us number one in what we do.

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